A Simple Home Renovation Had The FBI Swooping In To Investigate

Published on 05/25/2020

A couple who had built their home in 1940 was undergoing some renovations they had made some plans for. However, during the process, something was unveiled that shocked them. The revelation was only made, however, after the couple had already done works on the first two floors. The basement was the last area to tackle when they discovered the strange reality, and without a thought of what was happening, they continued. So, while they continued to pull apart the various sections of the basement, they were to get the most interesting view of all time.

Continued Works

Continued Works

Continued Works

What they were about to unearth from their basement would leave them in complete disbelief. From the whole scenario, they were trying to investigate the matter themselves but were soon to agree that the FBI would have to be called in.

Lying in the Woods

Lying In The Woods

Lying In The Woods

The moment they started the works in the basement, they realized some surprising little elements. But, it was only after they started digging off the walls did they notice the truth coming out. The walls had a lot of graffiti and covered most of the space.

The Truth Revealed

The Truth Revealed

The Truth Revealed

As the husband peeled the walls, he was highly surprised at the extent of the graffiti that was all over. The wallpaper was only hiding some strange secrets similar to street hieroglyphics. What he was about to unravel would be something that would live on his mind for a long thing.

A “Tight-fitted” Discovery

A Tight Fitted Discovery

A Tight Fitted Discovery

As the walls kept unveiling more interesting details of art, the husband noticed an object was stuck between the walls. He was curious about what it was, so he gathered some strength and pulled at the object. To get it out, however, he had to pull it towards himself. After tugging, he started to make progress at releasing it.

Strange Discovery

Strange Discovery

Strange Discovery

As he continued to work on pulling out the object, the husband realized that if he should go to anyone and mention what he saw, they would not believe. As such, he got his camera and started recording the entire process while giving some verbal documentations.

Strange Suitcase

Strange Suitcase

Strange Suitcase

As a large portion of the wall was demolished, the next plan was to head to the ceiling to have it repaired. But, it was put on pause as the husband struggled to figure out what was stuck in the walls. As he once again gave it his all to pull out, he noticed a large suitcase was now in his hands.

Suitcase Description

Suitcase Description

Suitcase Description

After the suitcase was brought to the ground, the couple noticed it was a green and gray case. The suitcase was deliberately placed there so no one could see it. The unfolded secret seemed only to be a route to inviting the police into the matter as the looks of things were serious. Also, the case was rather heavy as well, making them question what could be inside

What Was Inside?

What Was Inside

What Was Inside

The husband knew he had to be extra careful when it comes to unveiling what was inside. He was aware that caution had to be applied when it was time to open, and this he was so eager to do. Could it be greatness inside, or was it going to be something to shake them the wrong way?

In This Together

In This Together

In This Together

At the time, the wife was not home, so the husband decided it was safe to call her and wait until she got home before opening. He wanted them to be in this together and witness the intriguing reality of what was lying in the case. Whether it would be something good or devastating, they wanted to be in it together.

A Treasure

A Treasure

A Treasure

Whoever hid the suitcase was trying to keep something from the eyes of everyone but was it a treasure or a dark secret. But, the problem was, why go to such extremity to keep it hidden? In the meantime, the wife was on her way home, the husband took his time to inspect the suitcase, and his curiosity grew even bigger, especially with the weight of the suitcase.

Small Space – Huge Secrets

Small Space Huge Secrets

Small Space Huge Secrets

The suitcase was relatively small compared to such a huge secret that may have been held inside. Whatever the size of the secret inside the case, it meant a lot to the person who had hidden it. This whole idea made it even more curious for him to unravel what was inside.

Are we overthinking, perhaps?

Are We Overthinking Perhaps

Are We Overthinking Perhaps

His thoughts were all over the place as to what was lying in the case. However, he was so anxious in awaiting his wife so they could open this intriguing treasure together. When his wife stepped through the doors, he couldn’t wait to show her what he had found.

Extreme Excitement

Extreme Excitemen

Extreme Excitemen

Have you ever seen the excitement when you take kids to the candy store or fun land? Well, it was the same for this couple as they were super excited sitting in front of the case, waiting to open.

Multiple Possibilities

Multiple Possibilities

Multiple Possibilities

The excitement of what laid in the suitcase was, however, kept on the low for them as they didn’t want to be disappointed. They couldn’t tell if what laid inside was good or bad and whether it would impact their lives positively or negatively.

Swirling Mystery

Swirling Mystery

Swirling Mystery

As the couple finally decided to open the case, they were greeted with a bunch of papers. They didn’t know what the papers were all about and what the contents are written on them were about. Then they noticed an object that was wrapped in wax paper. Could it be money, a secret treasure, or some illegal elements?

Money it Was

Money It Was

Money It Was

While the couple kept unwrapping, they realized there was a reason the suitcase was hidden in the first place. As it turned out, the unwrapping unveiled a lot of cash in the case…a lot of it for that matter.

Shocked and Surprised

Shocked And Surprised

Shocked And Surprised

The couple was shocked out of it when they realized it was a lot of cash in the case, and they couldn’t understand it at the time. Then, to make matters a little more interesting, the cash was all stacks of $20 notes. Could there be a deeper meaning to this?

Treasure of Old

Treasure Of Old

Treasure Of Old

The couple spent a good amount of time in noticing the little or should we say big treasure they have found and also how old the money was. The amount of cash laying before their eyes was a little overwhelming for the couple to fathom as they pondered who it could have belonged to.

Striking Gold

Striking Gold

Striking Gold

When the couple met with journalists who had heard about their discovery, their excitement was out of this world. The husband noted there were all twenties and, of course, a couple of thousands too, and that’s where they started freaking out. For a while, the couple didn’t believe what was happening and thought it was all a punk, even asking for the cameras. They were super happy about striking gold.

Unraveling Continued

Unraveling Continued

Unraveling Continued

The couple was digging in and believed they would only see the same bills or maybe a few other ones along the way. But was there something else they would come across as they search?

Multiple Possibilities

Multiple Possibilities

Multiple Possibilities

As the couple kept unwrapping the package, they thought the same thing they have seen before would be straight to the end. However, they were more shocked when they started pulling out $50 and $100 notes as they got deeper in the case. It was more than their eyes could behold.

Becoming Concerned

Becoming Concerned

Becoming Concerned

Unfolding more and more of the shocking reality, the couple had so many questions they needed to ask themselves. The husband told the reporter that the second and third packages they unfolded did not have any $20 notes but only 50s and 100s. If they were to check it out, there could be over $5000 or more they were looking at. They thought the whole discovery was seemingly getting out of control.

Dating the Packages

Dating The Packages

Dating The Packages

The packages were hidden in this couple’s house for a long time, and they needed to know how it got where they found it and who kept it there. It started as a joke for the couple, but as they got deeper into the new-found reality, they started to take it seriously.

In the 50s

In The 50s

In The 50s

Finding out where the package came from, who hid it, and what year it was placed, there was the ulterior motive of the couple. Checking the notes, they could be dated back to the 1920s and 1930s, and with so many years between that and when it was found, questions were definitely in the air. You may be wondering what the total amount is and if there are any hidden clues to what’s going on.

Ancient Discovery

Ancient Discovery

Ancient Discovery

The suitcase and everything in it spelled out everything ancient, and the couple knew it had a long history coming. But, even though it was so old, they still had the urge to pursue an investigation to find out what was happening

Details Swirled Fastly

Details Swirled Fastly

Details Swirled Fastly

A lot of people learned about it and started showing interest in unfolding the mysterious suitcase. A lot of questions and answers started going around, and as the couple got deeper in the case, they found a sheet of folded newspaper to the bottom. This paper was nothing short of shocking as the two kept staring at it as they took it out.

Date Revelation

Date Revelation

Date Revelation

The newspaper, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, was dated March 25th, 1951. The renovation team was shocked at what they had discovered.

Inform the FBI

Inform The FBI

Inform The FBI

The idea of having the authorities come in to investigate was going through their minds, and with this discovery, they had so many answers to what they sought after. The newspaper was like a key to a lock they have been trying to open. Finding out the value of the treasure they had uncovered was now the target.

Special Money

Special Money

Special Money

They found out a lot of the notes they had discovered were called star bills and had not even made it to the general public for use (spent or traded.) So, with over seven decades passed on these notes, the couple knew they had just about won a lottery.

Hefty Price

Hefty Price

Hefty Price

The couple had involved the services of some authorities, and after calculating the value of the discovery, they were told it had amassed to $23,000. They had scored big this time.

Moving On

Moving On

Moving On

With everything that had happened in the short space of time, from unearthing some treasure, getting excited, and learning everything about the suitcase, it was time to go back to their normal life. They had to go back to everything they were used to…work and daily life.

Another Treasure?

Another Treasure

Another Treasure

In a single week, the couple had so much going on for them with the discovery, treasures, and the myriad of other activities. But, were they up for yet another surprise in their renovation works? Maybe not…but, luck favored them once again. There was a second suitcase in hiding that the husband discovered close to where he had found the first one. This sure was a blessing for the couple, and what the second case contained was a mystery.

Bigger Gift

Bigger Gift

Bigger Gift

The husband was again alone when he found the second suitcase, and he had to deal with the excitement all on his own again until his wife got back. He started pondering what could be in this case, but he had to wait for his wife so they could share the discovery.

Another Suitcase

Another Suitcase

Another Suitcase

The husband posted on Reddit that the whole discovery journey was a little wild for them as it took them completely by surprise. He agreed he and his wife are simple people who never have anything exciting going for them. Like always, he noted the extra money they had would generally go to their mortgage, and this new-found cash would be going to the same place.

More Surprises

More Surprises

More Surprises

The discovery moments were captured on camera, and to think the surprises were over for the couple, they had another guess coming. The whole experience was just so much for them.

Search Continued

Search Continued

Search Continued

The basement was in shambles, so they knew the renovations had to continue as it couldn’t remain the way it was. But as they got going, their curiosity got the best of them, and the search for more hidden treasures was also underway.

FBI Business

FBI Business

FBI Business

The renovations, even though they had to go on, had the couple thinking twice for a bit. However, with another discovery made during their search, they realized the FBI had to be called in.

Killing the Anxiety

Killing The Anxiety

Killing The Anxiety

As the wife stepped through the doors, they both huddled before the suitcase and burst it opened. To their surprise, the suitcase this time around was packed to the top rim and left them in complete shock.

Treasure Spot

Treasure Spot

Treasure Spot

It was completely far from the couple’s minds that suitcases could be the only discovery they would come across as they continued their various works. As the tasks continued, the husband discovered yet another suitcase.

Another Catch

Another Catch

Another Catch

Like the previous suitcases, the couple believes it was stashed with cash, but they were left staring this time around, it wasn’t money. But, what was lying inside this suitcase? Their thoughts were now more confused than before.

Is There More?

Is There More

Is There More

The couple imagined the whole idea of more treasures and suitcases being discovered. For a moment, the husband suspected there were more, so he waited for his wife to come home so they could unravel together and carry out their investigations.

Anxious Feelings

Anxious Feelings

Anxious Feelings

The latest suitcase the couple found was similar to the one they had found before and had opened. They were yet to find out what was hidden in this one. The moment his wife stepped through the door, their anxiety kicked in as they were eager to figure out what was in this new case.

Behind the Door

Behind The Door

Behind The Door

After the couple had done all their searching, discovering, and unraveling, they now agreed it was time to continue with the renovations, of course, with their added riches. However, there was one area on the second floor that had the couple overthinking for some time. As they approached the scene, a weird sight caught their eyes.

A Stunning Discovery

A Stunning Discovery

A Stunning Discovery

As they were there, they were in the position to discover the amount of money they had found this time around. They kept wondering how many more things were hidden in the house that they would come across. Their latest discovery at that moment was what sealed the deal for them. It was so much more complex than the first discoveries.

They are Rich

They Are Rich

They Are Rich

No longer were these two regular people but now considered as a rich couple who had some dollars to their name. After their latest discovery, their cash amounted to $45,000. They now had enough to keep them going.

Next on the Agenda?

Next On The Agenda

Next On The Agenda

Another Call to the FBI

Another Call To The FBI

Another Call To The FBI

The couple was now fully focused on getting their home completed, and in the process, find out what else the house had to offer them by surprise. However, they were yet to realize that another call to the FBI would be needed soon.

Secrets Unveiled

Secrets Unveiled

Secrets Unveiled

The motivation to keep going at the house was now on the high as the couple was so eager to know what else this mysterious house was keeping a secret. But, with all these treasures being revealed, the couple was now concerned about what secrets lay in their existence.

Open the Door

Open The Door

Open The Door

While they were getting a tour of the house, the real estate agent had mentioned a door that led to the water heater, and they were intrigued to know what could be hiding behind it. They were extremely curious about whether or not there was any treasure to be unfolded behind those closed doors.

Mystery at It’s Best

Mystery At Its Best

Mystery At Its Best

Their instinct was pushing them to go inside, and as they opened the door, they were left cheated at what they were told. The door didn’t lead to any water heater, but a greater treasure, they didn’t see coming.

False Details

False Details

False Details

The information about the water heater room was probably just a way of having potential guests not to snoop around. It seems the real estate agent knew some secrets about the house that they didn’t want to be revealed, so they made a ploy to give a few false details.

Secret Room

Secret Room

Secret Room

When they opened the door to this “heater room,” they were surprised that there was another room leading from there. It was bigger than they thought, but they were in for the exploration. As the husband approached another door that led to a room, he told his wife to stay back while he took a look inside. The discovery? Unbelievable!




The door had a master lock attached to it, so they were barred from going inside. However, they wanted to know what was going on, so he got a hammer and started to beat off the lock. This room was now a mysterious area worth checking out.

Classified Secret

Classified Secret

Classified Secret

Entering the first room seemed like it was regularly used, and they couldn’t say for what. The former owners wanted to keep it a secret as it was in a shambled state. It didn’t have a pleasant feeling or look as it was funky and dark to start with. The real question now was…why try to hide it?

It Was Sound-Proof

It Was Sound Proof

It Was Sound Proof

The couple had been living in the house for several years and didn’t even know all these things were going on. They were kind of frightened as to why there would be such a dirty, creepy room and one that was sound-proof. Even though there have been strange occurrences in the house at the time, this one stood out as the weirdest and most questionable.

A Crime Scene?

A Crime Scene

A Crime Scene

The room had the scene of a movie where it was all white and covered with a tarp. It could be considered a dungeon that was used for nothing short of some hideous crimes.

A Mysterious Find

A Mysterious Find

A Mysterious Find

They wanted to know everything that was lying under the tarps as it was becoming too much of a mystery. But what was under there? Something they didn’t want to see or thought they would see. Just imagine they were living in that house for so long and did not know so many secrets were hidden there.

Another Suitcase

Another Suitcase

Another Suitcase

The room, though having all that weird mystery, had yet another case lying on the floor. He was curious to know what was in the case, so he didn’t hesitate to pick it up and look inside.

Needing Answers

Needing Answers

Needing Answers

It is no rocket science that if people would go through that extremity to hide something, one couldn’t easily understand something is wrong. Whoever it was, had some deep dark secrets they were on a mission to protect no matter the cost. As it turned out, a simple DIY renovation project turned a family to wonder what was happening in their lives.

Hitting the Jackpot

Hitting The Jackpot

Hitting The Jackpot

This revelation we are yet to find out. The newly-found briefcase housed a wooden box that was filled with all types of mysterious envelopes containing money and jewelry. They even discovered four 1 oz silver ingots. The questions started swirling around in their heads as to why these were hidden, who they belonged to, was there a practice of organized crimes going on from that location, and what more did the story have to offer.

A Torture Chamber

A Torture Chamber

A Torture Chamber

The first room was bad enough when it came on to discovering all that secret, but then the second room (leading from the locked door) had much more shocking truths being revealed. The setting of the room made it seem like a torture chamber. Was it?

A Scare Note

A Scare Note

A Scare Note

As they searched through the room, they came across a few more staggering ancient treasures and some clues with answers they have been searching for. With the discovery of the additional “gifts,” they knew they had to call the authorities.

Terrible Experience

Terrible Experience

Terrible Experience

When the couple found the first two suitcases, they thought a blessing was on their side, and they would still be striking lucky. So, were they right to feel that way?

Take Note

Take Note

Take Note

Everything that they discovered in their search, they documented it and kept a safe record. But as they went along, they got to understand that their assumptions were not completely as they envisioned it.

Gems in Hiding

Gems In Hiding

Gems In Hiding

There were a lot of secrets lying in the house that included jewelry, silver ingots, and international money. The entire collection from the discovery was interesting yet chilling to the bones.

Authorities Needed

Authorities Needed

Authorities Needed

Authorities were now needed to help the couple decipher what was going on as they now found a black safe in one of the corners of the room. What this one would unravel, they didn’t know.

Nerve-Racking Chills

Nerve Racking Chills

Nerve Racking Chills

As they got closer to all these now chilling discoveries, they both agreed that their luck was slowly running out in getting some sweet treasures. They believe the safe didn’t contain any money or jewel but rather some nerve-rocking evidence and answers they were seeking.




The black safe for the couple was considered as the final clue in a map of a mysterious treasure hunt. All the new items they were finding had a lot of value and somehow historical links. The questions started coming out as to why these were hidden deeper than the others they had found in the basement. There was more to the story that they were waiting to find out.

Assistance From the Authorities

Assistance From The Authorities

Assistance From The Authorities

Whenever your gut tells you something, it is usually that way or close to it. The husband was now dreading what he would find in the safe, and as he opened it, there was a note they could not fathom. There was a creepy note addressing the person who discovered the note – which was now this couple – to save themselves. If you ask us, that was a weird and heart-gapping experience.

Weird Message

Weird Message

Weird Message

The note seemed like a warning and got straight to the point. The question as to who the note was for and why it was left in a safe was puzzling and needed to be checked out.

Another Warning

Another Warning

Another Warning

The investigation needed to go on as this couple was not in the mood to stop here as it was getting rather boring. Uncovering the mystery and secrets was what they needed to achieve, and probably asking the help of the authorities was their best bet.

A Pause

A Pause

A Pause

The husband needed to find out what was going on, so he decided on a little investigation by itself. As he dug deeper, there were more chilling discoveries with some other notes and tapes locking off other areas. The sign said, “Do Not,” but why? They were yet to find out.

Obey the Warning

Obey The Warning

Obey The Warning

The sign was intended to keep them out, but they were not up for that. Instead, they stepped across the VHS tapes, and there was now a puzzle that needed to be solved. As he got closer and deeper, he knew this was not going to be an easy feat to conquer.

Numbered Tapes

Numbered Tapes

Numbered Tapes

The tapes somehow had a new look and felt…even newer than the treasures they had unraveled earlier. It seemed like someone had already seen all these signs and were trying to warn the next persons who were going to live in the house. The look of things was making it rather hard to feel comfortable for the couple anymore, but what made it more puzzling was the fact that the tapes were numbered.

The Unmarked Tape

The Unmarked Tape

The Unmarked Tape

Six tapes were closing off the areas and puzzling enough, one of the six tapes didn’t have a number on it. Whether this was a critical warning or some kind of sick game, they didn’t know and thought it best to call the authorities.

Never-ending Mystery

Never Ending Mystery

Never Ending Mystery

Curiosity was high on the minds of the couple, and they needed to know what was going on. They decided to call the FBI so the investigations could get deeper and come up with a resolution.

FBI Take Over

FBI Take Over

FBI Take Over

The team removed the tapes from the FBI, and only the agents, homeowners, and recorders knew what the tapes were about. But, the creepy discoveries were still fresh in their minds.

Floating Guesses

Floating Guesses

Floating Guesses

The media, as we know it, has a way of fabricating stories to match their egos, and this is what they did with the house in question. They somehow had it to say the tapes were just barriers preventing people from witnessing some hideous crimes that had taken place at the house. Not to mention the dungeon-like room…they made a story from it.

The Questions

The Questions

The Questions

What the former owners were up to at the house, no one could say as behind these tapes and warnings laid more treasures and valuables. They started to wonder if this was all a game or some kind of creepy joke.

Continued Mystery

Continued Mystery

Continued Mystery

People who have treasures are always on a mission to hide them from any threatening elements swirling around, and we know the connection treasures can have with our personal lives. The answers are always lying around, but if the truth would be revealed…no one knows.

Questionable Legends

Questionable Legends

Questionable Legends

The couple living in this house will have some “horror movie-like” stories to tell their generations for years. For sure, they are glad that they are safe, and nothing was there to harm them. They now have the choice of living through this creepy story without asking questions or still pursue a little further.

Common Mystery

Common Mystery

Common Mystery

It is nothing new for people to buy old houses and find some interesting things or probably creepy signs like this couple found. However, like many others in the past, their new home purchase is made at their own risk with no possibility of warranties or guarantees.

Living Adventure

Living Adventure

Living Adventure

A simple DIY renovation project turned this couple’s lives into an adventurous reality. They first found treasures in their basement from just pulling apart a wall. After unearthing a room filled with war weapons like guns, ammunition, and a hollowed-out grenade, they knew an adventure was their new way of life. Then, later on, the couple managed to find a safe filled with money, jewelry, and all other kinds of valuables.

Discoveries of Old

Discoveries Of Old

Discoveries Of Old

How interesting it must have been for one British couple who had purchased an old house and entered the kitchen, they found a Victorian-styled kitchen decked with utensils, pots, and other kitchen accessories. The kitchen also hosted a cookbook that boasts a lot of Victorian-style recipes. This is a time-travel experience in modern times.

Stand-out Treasure

Stand Out Treasure

Stand Out Treasure

This couple certainly had company when it comes to finding some treasures while going through a home. One couple, Linda and Wally DeForest, also bought a house, and while doing some spring cleaning, they found a torpedo in their basement. It shocked them and pushed them into a state of confusion for a while, and it was only after contacting the authorities did they get the dreaded answers they sought.

Finding a Torpedo

Finding A Torpedo

Finding A Torpedo

The DeForests, while cleaning their basement, found the torpedo, which was green and heavy. When the authorities came to investigate and remove the potential torpedo, they found out it was a part of the Korean-Vietnamese war. They asked the questions as to why a torpedo would be in a basement, and the shocking revelation surprised the couple – people generally keep a torpedo as a souvenir. Could people be this serious?

War Elements

War Elements

War Elements

After buying a Victorian-style home in England, one couple found a strange iron grate in their basement. As they were home one night, they had a little wine and decided to explore what was going on.

Private Worship Center

Private Worship Center

Private Worship Center

When Diane and Pat Farla went to the basement, they proceeded to remove the crate. Surprisingly, they found a hole under the crate that was big enough to fit their nephew and a friend. When they got inside, it was a weird reality sitting on the other side. After conducting some research, they found out it was linked to the 1700s when the Catholics were being killed. They would use this area as a place to keep their secret worship service.

City in a Home

City In A Home

City In A Home

In the early 1960s, a homeowner found a really interesting mystery existing in his home. This was determined to be the fascinating discovery of the 20th century and was connected to Derinkuyu, a Hittite city. The house had an extra room that led to another and then another that was discovered during a renovation project. Just imagine unveiling such a mystery in your home.

Confused Message

Confused Message

Confused Message

When you search through your new home and find some intriguing photos of old, it can be fascinating and leave you wanting to know more. However, it is not always the case as it sometimes triggers people to pack up and leave home immediately due to fear. How do you think a couple will feel when they find a message that says…”Can you see me?”

Pricey Picture

Pricey Picture

Pricey Picture

A short while after a man died, his children decided to go through his house and do a little change-up and renovations. As they went around, they discovered a picture that was done by Norman Rockwell. It was an ancient picture, of course, that their father or no one else never mentioned to them even when he was sick and dying. Based on research, they found out their father hid the painting after he got a divorce from his wife. He had put a copy on display that his wife got. When the picture was brought to an auction, the children amassed a total of $15.4 million.
There was also a similar painting story of a man from New York who somehow forgot he owned a $300 million Michaelangelo painting in his home. Well, that sure is a long term memory loss!

Countless Love Letters

Countless Love Letters

Countless Love Letters

People often find all kinds of treasures when doing renovations like jewelry, money, and other antique elements. But, for one sibling pair who were working on a house in Nova Scotia. As they pulled the walls apart, they found some amazing love letters that were written by a soldier to the love of his life. The 31 letters were from World War I, and the renovators did their research to find the family the letters belonged to.

Bombs and Guns

Bombs And Guns

Bombs And Guns

A man decided to pull apart a piece of wall that seemed a little weird, and the moment he did, a secret room was revealed. The room had a box filled with ammunition, guns, and other weapons. This whole suspicion was brought on when he decided to do a little renovation to his home. Certainly, this was an interesting find.

Safe Secret

Safe Secret

Safe Secret

Like this story and other similar kinds, people generally find a lot of things hidden in their homes when they are doing renovations. But, what do you think of a new homeowner finding a treasure hidden in the kitchen walls? Yeah, we know it’s weird and questionable, but these hiding places were just about the safest option.

Cool Findings

Cool Findings

Cool Findings

One new homeowner had one of the coolest findings when he found a safe while doing some home cleaning. After opening the safe, there laid $50,000 hard cash, a book “A Guild for the Perplexed,” and a bottle of bourbon.

Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike

While a plumber was doing some renovations in a bathroom, he came across a few bars of gold. It stood out among the rubble that was lying around. When they did the relevant investigation, it turned out the gold was valued at an amount of $50,000. The plumber turned it over to the homeowners, and we are sure they did give him a great reward for it.

Huge Amounts

Huge Amounts

Huge Amounts

Some people had found lots of cash when they moved into a new home, and though some can be a huge amount, one man was lucky enough to cash in up to half a million dollars. While the house was undergoing some renovations, some military ammunition holders were found and searched. However, it was not going to be as easy for the homeowners as they claimed the house was theirs, seeing they bought it. But the courts agreed otherwise noting the money should be given to the family of the soldier who once owned the home. A lot of people have been angry about the whole case as they noted the contractors should have kept their mouths shut or even give in a portion of the money. Either way, it was a great find but didn’t work out true for the new homeowner.

Shining Light

Shining Light

Shining Light

There are lights available that could burn for years like neon lights, and though it can seem impossible, it is real. For one business owner, he found that out after doing some renovations on his property that revealed a neon light was burning for up to 77 years. The owner of Clifton’s Cafeteria found out a neon light was burning under the surfaces of the bathroom. After some investigations, he could link the hefty electric bill of $17,000 to this constant burning light.




Would you believe if we tell you that the Holocaust of World War II could have been avoided if this house was searched a little quicker? Well, these new homeowners were in for a shocker when they came across a lot of documents that detailed the attack on the Jewish community. These secret documents had all the information about the xenophobic actions in relocating all the Jews to the lower Budapest area. This information should have been destroyed a long while back, but the person thought it would be safer to hide it in the wall.

Bulk Ammunition

Bulk Ammunition

Bulk Ammunition

A mom and son duo were doing some garage cleaning of their grandma’s home in Australia when they found some interesting yet scary treasure. They stumbled upon a hand grenade that was undetonated and had the pin still in place. Of course, they had to call in the authorities to remove the object. An immediate investigation was launched, and it turned out the home belonged to a former World War II soldier who had died.

A Spy

A Spy

A Spy

The name Eileen Burgoyne may ring a bell for many, as she could be linked back to World War II as a female spy. Dying at the age of 98, the veteran left a lot of legacies that were uncovered by the new owners who bought her old house. She had a lot of secrets hidden in the home to include guns, telegrams, photos, and lots of other war-related materials. There is even evidence of the aftermath of the Berlin bombing and Secret services related to the Queen. She was even a spy that worked on duties based in Europe and Africa.

Worth the Buy

Worth The Buy

Worth The Buy

A couple bought a home for $75,000, and at first, they agreed it was worth the buy as they got five bedrooms and two bathrooms. It gave a little confidence to the couple that their lives were now moving forward, but before long, some nasty truths started to unveil themselves. Jason and Kerry started noticing their kids were becoming sick, and after doing some investigations, they found out the house had terrible mold issues. It was so bad they had to take out legal actions against those who sold them the house. What made it even more creepy and scary was the fact that in a particular room of the house, they found a note that read “You found it” – this sealed the deal of creepy for us. We can just imagine how scared and nervous the entire family was, especially the children.

Lockdown in the Attic

Lockdown In The Attic

Lockdown In The Attic

When you are purchasing a home, we are sure you want to be told about every extra room in the house, right? Well, this new homeowner didn’t get that info from his agents, and after moving in, some secrets started to play out before his eyes. While doing some intense cleaning of his new home, it landed him in the attic, where he cleared some boxes and found a small door leading to the unknown. He was really curious about what could be behind it, and when he peeked in, there seemed to be a little cottage for the unknown there. There was a small bed, padded walls, and a single light. That had so many questions attached to it.

Creepy at the Highest

Creepy At The Highest

Creepy At The Highest

Now, these agents have got to be the worst, and the thought that they collected people’s hard-earned money for this house is just cruel. Well, at first when the couple forked out $180,000 for this five-bedroom house, they thought they had gotten a good deal. But, before long, they found out it may have just been the worst mistake ever. They had bought a snake hibernaculum – yes, the house was infested with snakes! Just three months after moving in, the couple had to leave due to the house being taken over by snakes. The rattling sounds they constantly heard brought them to a shocking and scary reality…the walls had snakes living in them!

Secrets Nailed to the Wall

Secrets Nailed To The Wall

Secrets Nailed To The Wall

Historic features were discovered in a 1910 home that was acquired by Amanda Reddy. While she was in her kitchen, she thought it would be cool to remove her baseboard and there were a few postcards that had dates between 1907-1909. The cards bore the name Mayme Berneck, and it was assumed at first that the cards fell behind the board, but Reddy was wrong.

Comic with Value

Comic With Value

Comic With Value

Comic books of old do have a lot of value, and one new homeowner found that out some time ago. After moving in and deciding to do some renovations, they came across some 1938 Superman comic books. A report showed these books if in good condition, could be sold for over $2 million as of 2011. However, the ones that were found went for $175,000 at an auction as they were not in the best condition. The books were a little damaged as the previous owners used them as insulators when the times became extremely cold

Magical Find

Magical Find

Magical Find

Well, this homeowner managed to score himself some magic as he discovered a magician’s box set in his home during renovations. At first, he didn’t know what it was, but after some research, he found out the house belonged to a former magician.

Tied Up

Tied Up

Tied Up

This home was a little different as the new owners found something a little strange in one area of the house. People’s stories are generally told in different ways, but after finding a mask and a leather straitjacket in the house, the new owners knew exactly what was going on.

The Talking Dolls

The Talking Dolls

The Talking Dolls

There have been some creepy discoveries at homes after renovation plans are put in place, and, for sure, a lot of them can be creepy. For this new owner, we can tell they were creeped out (like we are!) when they found a box of ventriloquist dummies. There were so many both broken and whole ones. A mind-boggling thought much more to live in the home with them.

Art Behind a Wall

Art Behind A Wall

Art Behind A Wall

An Italian statesman commissioned Leonardo Da Vinci in 1502 to do an exclusive painting for him that depicted the art of the battle. More than four decades later, a painter, Giorgio Vasari, was hired to get rid of the painting and not having the courage to do it, they agreed to build a wall to conceal it.

Invaded by Bats

Invaded By Bats

Invaded By Bats

Buying a house has so many secrets, and most times are not revealed until you decide to settle in. For Calvin Oshowy, he didn’t see the secrets being revealed until he signed all the sales contracts. To his surprise, there were bats everywhere…yes, bats! From the wall to the ceiling and even in the attic. He had to invest a lot more cash, time, and energy to get rid of them and seal up their entry points.

A Soldier’s Life

A Soldiers Life

A Soldiers Life

Buying a house should be a great feeling, but after doing some cleaning, one couple in Texas became emotional after finding a military burial flag. Kerry Cremean, a veteran who found the flag, was brought to tears, especially after realizing he was carrying the life of one of his very own countrymen. He took to Facebook and other research sites where he managed to locate the family and later found out he died in a car accident in the 1980s. He had three daughters.

Dungeon Beneath

Dungeon Beneath

Dungeon Beneath

One man constantly overlooked a trapdoor until he became curious as to what could lie beneath. His anxiety got the best of him, and after opening, he discovered there was a stair leading to an old English monastery. Other rooms had a dungeon-like look and feel.

A Gift of 1912

A Gift Of 1912

A Gift Of 1912

Russian Czar Nicholas II gave his wife Empress Alexandra a gift in 1912, which turned out to be a Faberge figure. This was discovered by a new homeowner who moved into their New York Home. Running the figurine at an auction amassed a whopping $5.2 million. This is what you call luck or probably a blessing!

A Jar of Corn

A Jar Of Corn

A Jar Of Corn

Old houses tend to have a lot of hidden treasures, and you may strike lucky when you manage to get your hands on a cool location. A lot of those discoveries might be cool, creepy, or probably lousy. Take, for instance, this new homeowner who found a jar in the kitchen – filled with corn. The question as to what the corn was for is still unknown, and no one knows if this is rubbish or treasure. After all, it dates back to the 1970s.