Meet Some Of The Unluckiest People In Human History And Learn About Their Worst Cases Of Bad Luck.

Published on 09/21/2022

Yu Zhenhuan

A typical gripe, particularly in the coming weeks and months, is excessive body hair. The only effect that hair has is to make people feel warmer, which is an undesirable effect year-round but especially in the summer. Do you have any idea what it would be like to have the most hair in the world? In the situation involving Yu Zhenhuan, this is a proven reality.

Yu Zhenhuan

Yu Zhenhuan

As a result of the highly rare condition known as atavism, Yu Zhenhuan, a native of China, has hair covering 96% of his body. This condition causes him to be covered with hair. In fact, the hair in his ears was causing him to have hearing problems. So he was forced to undergo surgery to get it removed. This is certainly a price.


Robert Todd Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the former president of the United States, had a son named Robert Todd Abraham Lincoln. Why is he on this list? Let’s find out! Since Robert Todd Lincoln was the only one of the Lincoln children to survive above the age of 18, this indicates that he was there when his other brothers and sisters passed away.

Robert Todd Lincoln

Robert Todd Lincoln

In addition to this, he was there throughout the passing of both his father and Presidents Garfield and McKinley while they were in office. All of these events are unfortunate, and due to his terrible run of luck, he stopped going to any kind of presidential gathering. If you were to ask us, we could explain the thinking behind it. It’s possible he didn’t do anything wrong, but that’s a lot of unlucky timing.