Meet Some Of The Unluckiest People In Human History And Learn About Their Worst Cases Of Bad Luck.

Published on 09/21/2022

Adrian Carton De Wiart

The guy who held the rank of Lieutenant-General Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart was a courageous one who never gave up. Even though he was born with just one eye and one hand, he proved to be a true soldier throughout his whole life. Over the course of his six decades on earth, he participated in three major wars. However, an accident he sustained while serving his nation in the Boer War, World War I, and World War II caused him to lose his left eye.

Adrian Carton De Wiart

Adrian Carton De Wiart

Additionally, Carton de Wiart had extremely serious injuries on eight separate occasions. In addition to this, he suffered vision loss in his left eye, survived two separate aircraft accidents, and broke out of a prisoner of war camp. The fact that all of these things occurred to him while he was serving in the First World War is the most incredible thing about it. One can only speculate as to the challenges he encountered throughout the other battles he participated in.


Dede Koswara

In terms of his physical well-being, Dede Koswara was in excellent form. But everything shifted for him when he was 10 years old and he fell in the forests of Indonesia, scraping his knee. This event altered everything. After Koswara was injured, warts began to appear all over his body as a direct result of the injury. After he was injured, he saw that these warts had swiftly spread to his hands and feet.

Dede Koswara

Dede Koswara

The limbs of Koswara ultimately were covered with warts that resembled bark, and he was finally imprisoned inside his own body. After some time had passed, he became a member of a touring circus and was given the name “the Tree Man of Java.” Surgeons attempted to remove some warts by cutting them off with an electric saw; however, the warts came back after they were removed. On the other hand, this is a really unfortunate turn of events, and all we can do is hold out hope that he will have better success in the future.