Always Attend Club Events
Once you become a member of a charter, it naturally becomes a way of life, and attending their daily events is a must. If they fail to show up to the meetings and events, it is an indication that they do not take the mission of the charter seriously.
They take their event attendance seriously, and those who miss events show a level of disrespect for the club. The new members may never make it to fully-fledged members if they do not live up to this part of the biker tradition.

Always Attend Club Events
A Family Affair
One reason why the clan is so close is that they value each other as family. Besides riding bikes together, they also get to do what they find passion in and share the experience.
It is more than just the love for motorcycles and the love that comes with owning and maintaining one. Hells Angels is a part of life, a belief system, and a connection for those who are a part of it for life.

A Family Affair