A True Connection With Harley-Davidson
If you want to be considered for membership to this clan, you can’t just be a random bike rider. You must ride a special type of motorcycle. To become a member of the clan could take you a few years, and this is one of their ways of knowing they are making the right decision to let you in.
One of the main admission requirements is riding a Harley Davidson. Being connected with a Harley Davidson is a tradition for the Hells Angels and is a part of their code just as their vests are. These bikes help to make them who they are as a team.

True Connection With Harley Davidson
Covering Thousands Of Miles In Riding Each Year
Each year, the bikers cover at least 20,000 kilometers of riding (an average of 12,000 miles!) together. It’s a fact that you have to love riding and motorcycles as this is the main mode of transportation for members. All of the members are like brothers, but their bond is really drawn together by their undying love for motorcycles. They believe that riding gives them a sense of freedom and is the closest they feel to living their own lives. So, them spending hours on the roads is a joy for them.

Covering Thousands Of Miles In Riding Each Year