Once a Member, Always a Member
Being a successful member of the group means that you are in it for good, and there is no turning back. There is no retirement policy from the group, and there is only one way to leave other than being kicked out, and that is when one dies. The Hells Angels charter is your family away from home.
They stay together a lot, and even before becoming a full-fledged member, each Hells Angel would have known each other long before – through the prospect years. Whenever a member dies, they come together and pay homage to their fallen brother and respect his time spent in the clan.

Once a Member, Always a Member
You Can’t Talk To The Media
Seeing as secrecy is a key factor for the Hells Angels, this means no one is allowed to talk to the media about anything relating to the group or any of its members. This is a form of protection for the brotherhood as well as enforcing their rules and regulations.
Investigator Sher added that even their codes are a no-no for discussion with the media as it is also a part of their security. When they keep everything within, it is hard for information to be leaked.

You Cant Talk To The Media