It Is Against The Rules To Join Another Biker Club
Being a member of Hells Angels means a way of life. It also means that the members become family; they form a connection, and commitment plays an integral role. With this loyal perception, it is a forbidden move for a member to join or even consider joining another clan.
Just as they have to be careful not to join other biker gangs, they have to also be mindful of who they associate themselves with. One of the guidelines on their website clearly states that no member should deeply associate themselves with any other clubs, street gangs, or other groups. The reason is that they may not necessarily know who is against the Hells Angels club. So, whoever they choose to support, the entire club should be aware of it.

Against The Rules To Join Another Biker Club
Women Support From Behind The Scenes
You may have wondered why you never see women at the forefront of the group, but this is due to the Hells Angels being a brotherhood. As you may notice, it is only men that you see with the skull logos on their back. Surprisingly, women do play an integral role in the overall functioning and stability of the group.
A lot of the members have wives and families, but before becoming a member, their families have to understand what it means to be a part of the group and also agree for them to adapt to the changes and lifestyle of the group.

Women Support From Behind The Scenes