Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

Exploiting The Use Of Fossil Fuels

If Fossil Fuels aren’t extinguished soon there won’t be a world to live in, and the boomers that invented it are rolling in the dough and the idea that they won’t live long enough to see the outcome of their greed. And it seems an absurd idea to them to invest in environmentally friendly ways to produce energy because they get their money from destroying the ozone layer, oh and wind power apparently causes bird cancer. Okay, Boomer.

Exploiting The Use Of Fossil Fuels

Exploiting The Use Of Fossil Fuels


Going To The Mall

A massive building with hundreds of shops, big and small where hundreds of people congregate to do their shopping, sounds like an introvert’s nightmare, and in today’s day and age, it’s very irrelevant. It’s much easier when you can just open your phone or computer and have all your shopping delivered direct to your doorstep, and with many apps surfacing that ease the shopping experience, it just makes getting that cool pair of shoes a lot better for everyone.

Going To The Mall

Going To The Mall