Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

Khaki Capri Pants

Khaki, not a flattering color already. Capri pants, a very awkward-looking thing. Put them together and you have the crocs’ less ugly but still ugly cousin, Khaki Capri Pants! They truly look bad on everyone and so far they’ve taught us that just like crocs, just because it’s comfortable for you, doesn’t mean it’s comfortable for everyone else to look at, and they belong to little use to the fashion-conscious person, other than maybe a floor rag.

Khaki Capri Pants

Khaki Capri Pants



Denim changed the world of fashion for the better, but there are a few exceptions (we’re looking at you, high waisted jeans!) Wearing denim all over your body was, and for some still is, a big trend, and we’re here to tell you to stop, and get some help. It’s not it, and it hasn’t been it, so don’t do it. It makes a person look tacky and draws too much attention, and not in a good way!

