Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

The Concept Of Cheques

Sure I get the novelty of writing a check to pay for your items, the feeling of having money by carrying a big chequebook around (even when you’re broke), but it’s become quite irrelevant with the invention of credit and debit cards, and now the pink smiley face covered checks in the chequebook seems to be more tacky than flashy, and it doesn’t always work in every situation. Can you imagine cashing in your inheritance from a late loved one with a check smothered in smiley faces and rainbows?

The Concept Of Cheques

The Concept Of Cheques


Home Phones

Landlines used to be a staple in every home, back before one could simply carry the entire phone with you in your pocket, but recently they’ve become irrelevant, even if they’re free now. It’s much more convenient to just get your own phone and use that. Landlines crawled so Nokia’s could walk, and then the smartphones trampled them both. Best to get with the times and leave the landlines in the past. RIP, probably won’t be missed.

Home Phones

Home Phones