Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

Patterned And Textured Wallpaper

Patterned wallpaper. Let that sink in. Why is it there, who had the bright idea, and why didn’t anyone stop them. It’s very cringy to have in your home and very loud (my head hurts looking at it), and also is associated with being old and outdated. Honestly, why would you make your life that hard by smoothing all the air bubbles and wrinkles out? Just go pick a paint colour and paint the room, it’ll look better, and more importantly, it won’t start peeling off on humid days!

Patterned And Textured Wallpaper

Patterned And Textured Wallpaper


Internships, For No-Pay

Why is this even still a thing? How are these intern’s expected to pay their bills and sustain themselves while working themselves to death for literally nothing? Employers would say that these interns are learning valuable lessons and you can’t put a price on learning. Well, guess what, the price is a living wage, and the only lesson they’re learning is society expects nothing for everything and their wellbeing doesn’t matter, just as long as the system works…

Internships For No Pay

Internships For No Pay