Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

24/7 News Airings

Twitter is more reliable than these 24-Hour so-called “News” Networks. More often than not, the network jumps to conclusions and exaggerates the truth to be able to make a simple story a good story or to make important stories irrelevant to suit their own selfish needs. Imagine having to anchor news all day, every day. It honestly gets boring, because there aren’t enough truly newsworthy happenings to actually report on all day, which is why the networks use methods like sensationalism and fear to keep an audience.

24 7 News Airings

24 7 News Airings



African slaves serve a failing capitalistic society’s need for more and more money, but hey, it’s a material world! Diamonds are really very expensive, and honestly, at its core, it’s a shiny lump of coal that’s been under a lot of pressure (sounds like a millennial). There are a lot of less-expensive options with more variety, such as cubic zirconia, and with the lower price tag and the morally acceptable ways it’s created, it’s worth being called cheap by the rich wives at the country club.

