Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

“These things are so freaking awesome!” said no one… except, of course, none other than the Baby Boomers. Sincerest apologies to our preceding generation, but their things weren’t ever ‘in,’ even when they were. The sooner these epic fails in society are left in the past where they belong, the better the future will be for the following generations. This is indeed a hard-to-swallow pill to the Boomers and will definitely erect a rise out of our grandmas and grandpas for our ‘ungrateful millennial/Gen Z attitudes, but at its core, these things were always useless and bad. Without further adieu, let’s dive into all these irrelevant, absurd, outdated, and frankly strange things and trends that came from the generation of our beloved Baby Boomer generation!

Cursive Writing

One of the most irrelevant things I ever remember learning in elementary school was cursive writing, considering it just made our handwriting atrocious and took precious time from our classes in which we could be learning other important things (women’s rights movement, anyone? Too liberal?) and at its core, is nothing more than a waste of teachers, students, and parents time, and looking back, it never taught us anything for how to survive in today’s world.

Cursive Writing

Cursive Writing


Fine China

There is nothing that collects more dust, takes up more space, and gives more anxiety when it’s actually used than fine china. Honestly, why do you have them, if not to use them, and besides, have you seen them? Fine China is ugly and is frequently used as props in pop culture to depict something old, outdated and stuck in the past. Besides, if they’ve never used, you barely know you have them, except of course, when the time comes to clean them, or when you get a panic attack after breaking one of them.

Fine China

Fine China