Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021


No. Just no. This questionable footwear first appeared to hurt our eyes and self-respect back in 2002, became a hit in the US for its convenience, durability, and comfort. Well, guess what, uncle Pete? Your crocs may make you more comfortable, but they make us less satisfied. Crocs are one of the worst mistakes that fashion has ever made, and honestly, if you own a pair, just kill it. Kill it with fire, sell the house and move to Japan.




Hating On Millennials

If I had a nickel for every time a Baby Boomer called a millennial or gen Z a “whiny snowflake” I’d have enough money to fix the economy they ruined. Boomers love to blame everything wrong with the world on the later generations, purely because the majority of them refuse to accept change. They fail to realise that when they point one finger, the rest point back to them. Boomers are the real “snowflakes” because they’re the ones that can’t accept their mistakes and get offended when they’re pointed out. But no, it’s the kids of today’s fault.

Hating On Millennials

Hating On Millennials