Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy Theories are so rooted in Boomer culture that it’s funny, and most news outlets are chock full of made-up stories, lies and conspiracies. Fox News is such an untrustworthy source and exists purely to entertain radical Boomers theories that the earth is flat or that wind power makes people gay. The idea of an actual news outlet reporting on conspiracy theories as if they were facts is a truly terrifying idea and thank God millennials aren’t stupid enough to believe them.

Conspiracy Theories
Avon salespeople are the personification of annoyance. Their representatives hassle everyone to buy their products and often ruin friendships. Besides, Avon is basically a pyramid scheme that convinced people that they’re business owners when in fact they’re just pawns that don’t get anything in return for selling cheap and untrustworthy products for twice they’re worth. Avon is Jehova’s witnesses of cosmetics, and they should be banned for the main reason that they’re scammers that are being scammed by bigger scammers and they’re really really annoying!
