Political Correctness
What was that? Treat everyone with common decency and respect even if they don’t conform to exactly what we want them to to the letter? Absolutely absurd! Probably another fake thing made up by the youngsters of today to confuse us. Liberals ruin everything! Being politically correct is outdated, honestly just respect everyone how they deserve to be respected, using a preferred pronoun won’t end the world, Brenda. Who knows, maybe they’ll actually respect you in return?!

Political Correctness
Linoleum Flooring
A thin piece of plastic stuck on an already perfectly good floor. Sounds good. Linoleum doesn’t look as good in the long run as it does the first few weeks and when it starts peeling it looks absolutely horrid. Linoleum is a good example of Boomer culture. Good effort, but bad follow-through. It’s a lot better to just put some wood or tile down, it lasts longer and looks better, and is easier to clean.

Linoleum Flooring