Alex Jones
Radio host, Alex Jones is considered America’s Leading Conspiracy Theorist, and is definitely not a relevant source of news, as he rarely provides sources for his ridiculous conspiracy theories, and if one of your least far fetched and most believable stories is about water making frogs gay, you’re absolutely insane. Boomers however believe most everything of what this absolute lunatic has to say. Because of their inherent “It’s on the radio, it must be true.” nature.

Alex Jones
Mrs Dash
Mrs Dash is a must-have in any Baby Boomers spice rack, mostly because it’s usually the only spice they use on just about everything. We’re not saying it’s good, just stating facts. I consider trying out a different variety of herbs and spices, maybe finish a dish off with a sprinkle of parsley, just no more Mrs Dash. The stores have such a massive selection, it’s not like the Boomers are pressed for options. Mrs Dash should probably meet Tony Chachere.

Mrs Dash