Gendered Everything
Don’t even get me started on the pointless gendering of colors, toys, clothes and behaviors. Gender is a social construct and the sooner we teach kids that they can like whatever they want the better the world is going to be. We should stop enforcing the idea that boys should wear blue and play with cars and girls should wear pink and play with dolls, because it’s just a color, and it’s just a toy. Gender roles are one of the worst things the Boomers groomed and seriously, just stop.

Gendered Everything
Golf is a painful thing to watch because it’s hard to not fall asleep during a game. It’s way too complicated for such a long and boring sport and usually is associated with uptight, old and high class, it’s basically a less fun version of croquet that requires absolutely no training or skill to be in. The only one having fun is the person playing, and it serves no purpose to society other than making people look stuffy.
