The Truth Behind Stevie Wonder’s Blindness

Published on 06/03/2021

The Classic Period

It was during the 70s that Wonder developed into his “classic period,” which saw all manner of unmatched albums that would relabel him as a real prodigy. Jack Hamilton of Slate fame would recall in 2016 how amazed he was with the then young Wonder’s talents and achievements. While most kids his age would wake up after their 21st birthdays with hangovers, Wonder was continuing his unstoppable musical streak. One that Hamilton regards as the most productive in modern times.

The Classic Period

The Classic Period


The Hits Kept Rolling

From 1971 to 1976, Wonder continued to pump out albums such as Talking Book, Music of My Mind, First Finale, and Songs in the Key of Life. This last-mentioned album would be a highlight of Wonder’s career, as mentioned by Elton John. Hamilton would also commend the album magnificently, calling it essential to American music and pop culture. Wonder was not only incredibly talented, but he was also extremely industrious and rarely took a break from songwriting and recording, not to mention performing in concerts.

The Hits Kept Rolling

The Hits Kept Rolling