The Truth Behind Stevie Wonder’s Blindness

Published on 06/03/2021

Soulful Writing

You might be wondering what it was about this acclaimed album that made it so significant. Take the lyrical content, for example. His words dealt with relationships, spirituality, and betrayal, not to mention segregation and even divorce. Suddenly, pop music was deep, and its sound was developed, too. Despite being robbed of physical sight, Wonder was incredibly perceptive. Many people wondered how it was possible that a blind person could do so much. This was an ableist underestimating of a true genius.

Soulful Writing

Soulful Writing


On His Blindness

Wonder would also sing and speak about his blindness, a disability which he never described negatively. In fact, Wonder believes that he would not have been able to utilize certain parts of his mind had he been able to see. You see, when one sense is taken away, a person will begin relying on not only other senses, but their mind, too. It was in 1975 that Wonder first addressed his disability while being interviewed by The New York Times.

On His Blindness

On His Blindness