Getting To Grips With Southern Hospitality – The True Meaning Of Southern Phrases

Published on 05/07/2021

Cuttin’ A Rug

If you think that Southerners enjoy chopping up their carpets on weekends, you might need a bit of clarification on what “cuttin’ a rug” means. Southerners love to dance, and greatly appreciate it when someone can move gracefully or skillfully. Someone that has “moves like Mick Jagger” might also be described as cuttin’ a rug. This refers to the dazzling footwork that a person would perform on, potentially, a rug. Perhaps if someone had to wear a particularly sharp pair of heels when dancing they could actually cut a rug.

Cuttin A Rug

Cuttin A Rug


Whatever Floats Your Boat

Sometimes, you just have to let people do as they please, even if you disagree strongly and have done your best to convince them otherwise. When a Southerner realizes that they cannot convince someone to see things their way, they will end a debate with, “whatever floats your boat”, meaning, “do as you please”. You could also say it when someone wants your approval to go through with a plan or activity. If you happened to be watching an intense football match, and someone asked you if they could borrow $200, you might be too distracted to consider what they just asked properly and respond with this expression.

Whatever Floats Your Boat

Whatever Floats Your Boat