Getting To Grips With Southern Hospitality – The True Meaning Of Southern Phrases

Published on 05/07/2021

There’s More Than One Way To Skin A Cat

Now, before you go accusing Southerners of horrifying acts of animal abuse, you should know that this is just an expression! When someone says that “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”, they mean that there is more than one way to get a job done. For example, if you are trying to convince a friend struggling to get his luggage to fit into the boot of his car, you might prompt him to try a different packing method by using this phrase.

Theres More Than One Way To Skin A Cat

Theres More Than One Way To Skin A Cat


God Don’t Like Ugly

If you felt like being judge by humans was not enough to change your wayward ways, what if God had to weigh in on your poor behavior? The term “God don’t like ugly” does not mean that unattractive people will not be accepted into heaven, but rather those that are immoral or cruel. Remember that “ugly” also refers to disagreeable or mean behavior according to Southern colloquialisms. This remark might be made when someone is behaving shockingly.

God Dont Like Ugly

God Dont Like Ugly