Family is Frightened by Strange Sounds in Their New Home

Published on 11/30/2020

Exponential Numbers

As he was removing more bricks, David realized that the total amount of bees living inside the foundation of the house was an exponentially large number. He was thankful that he had been asked to relocate these special creatures, who were trapped somewhere unsafe for them.

Exponential Numbers

Exponential Numbers

A thought that crossed his mind as he worked was whether he had the equipment to successfully transport this amount of bees in one go. Usually, he dealt with small and medium-sized hives. This was the Titanic of all beehives.


There’s a First Time For Everything

They say that life is full of surprises. David could hardly have imagined that he would ever work on a hive extraction of this scope and size. His years of experience counted in his favor, and he was grateful to be a part of something as monumental as this.

Theres A First Time For Everything

Theres A First Time For Everything

A key factor in the successful extraction of bees is how good the keeper is at remaining calm in spite of agitated bees around them. Thankfully, this process is made a lot easier by the protective equipment used in the process.