The Military Ideas That Changed The World As We Know It Forever

Published on 03/16/2021

The EpiPen

The EpiPen might save the lives of diabetics on a daily basis these days, but when it was first thought up, it had more sinister intentions. It was initially designed to counter nerve gas during the Iraq war. Four inventors are credited with designing the EpiPen as we know it today, and these visionaries saw that it had potential beyond just being used in the military. It’s not entirely out there to think that the idea has saved millions of people from an early death in the modern world.

The EpiPen

The EpiPen


Weather Radar Technologies

Radar technology originally had one sole purpose, that being to track the enemy at all times. As things have progressed, the often unpredictable technology made a pivot into another area that wasn’t all that expected to begin with. It turns out that the innovative concept could be better used to be able to assist with weather tracking, including logging patterns, and predicting possible natural disasters before they happen. Due to many refinements over the years, the technology now has the power to save lives regularly.

Weather Radar Technologies

Weather Radar Technologies