The Military Ideas That Changed The World As We Know It Forever

Published on 03/16/2021


When microwaves first hit the scene, they were called “cavity magnetrons”. This wasn’t exactly a marketable title, and we can’t see that this modern miracle would be as popular as it is today without going through a bit of a rebrand first. The microwave revolutionized homes all over the world, and after twenty copies of early prototypes were used in WWII for various means, including signaling early attack to troops somehow, it made its way into the mainstream with a full force not long after.




Freeze Drying

Freeze-dried food is not just something you commonly see in the gift shop during a tour of a NASA space station. While the technology has been adapted to various industries, it was initially used in the military to help preserve blood plasma and penicillin during the war efforts. The process has since been adopted across a host of different sectors, now offering high-quality food options in areas that might be resource-scarce for one reason or another.

Freeze Drying

Freeze Drying