The Military Ideas That Changed The World As We Know It Forever

Published on 03/16/2021

If spy movies are anything to go by, by the time any new technology enters the mass market, it has probably already spent a lot of time being refined in the military. This isn’t just a Hollywood stereotype, and a lot of new technologies and ideas are extensively tested on military bases before they eventually become household items. When this happens, the result is a magical symbiosis that ends up changing lives for the better in most cases. You might not even know about the many things in your home, or some of the toys you’ve bought your children, that are available to buy as a result of years of testing done by the military. As our list indicates, there are more than just a couple of military inventions that have changed the world as we know it forever.

Walkie Talkies

Walkie Talkies are common military inventions, used for communication purposes between platoons and squadrons in the vicinity of one another. When first created in the 1930’s, these devices were revolutionary, and the Motorola team responsible dubbed them a “packset” at first. During WWII, the technology was extensively used, affectionately dubbed a “walkie talkie” by soldiers, which has stuck to this day. Almost 100 years later, we now have mass-market versions available to enthusiastic and curious young children around the world.

Walkie Talkies

Walkie Talkies


Duct Tape

Duct tape hasn’t been around for longer than you might think. It was first invented back in the early 1940’s, where it was primarily used during WWII. As a result of its widespread use in holding ventilation products together, it soon gained the nickname “duct tape”, which has stuck all these years later. While initially, the idea was to manufacture it in a range of different colors, the grey really stuck with consumers, and eventually, it became a symbol of trust. To this day, duct tape continues to be on color as a result.

Duct Tape

Duct Tape