The Military Ideas That Changed The World As We Know It Forever

Published on 03/16/2021

Tinned Foods

It should come as no surprise that soldiers need food in order to perform at their best levels. War conditions mean that canned foods are often the best way to preserve food, even though it might not be the most nutritious or tasty meal. The first tinned food can be dated back to 1810, when the French government incentivised citizens to come up with a way to preserve food by offering a cash prize for the best idea. Centuries later, canned foods are used in military operations and general supermarkets of all shapes and sizes.

Tinned Foods

Tinned Foods



Would you believe that the wondrous glue that has the ability to stick your fingers to each other was a military invention before anything else. During WWII, scientists discovered a substance that would be able to stick to anything it came in contact with. The military didn’t see much use for it at the time, but the commercial space was ready to launch a product that could help households everywhere to make quick repairs. A couple of catchy marketing campaigns later, and the American nation was hooked.

