Importance of Skincare
We have seen how often urine was used in ancient history and the many purposes it served from washing clothes to being a mouthwash and even cleaning surfaces because of the amounts of ammonia it contains. People in history have also used it to wash their faces.

Importance Of Skincare
As time went by, people had a hard time source of clean water, so they had to drink wine or ale most of the time. So, because of the antiseptic properties of the pee, it was used as a skin cleaning product. Just imagine the smell that was going around, especially when people would come in contact with the sun.
The Huge Wigs were Disgusting
You must have seen a lot of historical figures with large wigs and wonder what the purpose of them was. In the UK to this day, barristers still wear them to court hearings and other legal matters, but the real truth is that the funk and disgust for this item are pretty high. At least the wigs of today are made in factories from organic, plastic, or fabric.

The Huge Wigs Were Disgusting
Disgusting to think about it, the reality is that those wigs were made of animal fat and would get smelly over time. They also had lots of lice and could catch fire easily. Another smelly thing is one we could not do with right now, so luckily, modern technology came up with better ideas for wigs and other hairpieces.