This Hygiene Methods Of Old Are The Weirdest You’ll Ever See

Published on 02/11/2020

Sewer Systems

Plumbing is a thing of old though the systems we are used to now only came into existence not so long ago. Before now, when people had to ease themselves, they had to find different ways to do it. But as times changed, cities started building sewer systems that are different from what we know now – they had underground tunnels.

Sewer Systems

Sewer Systems

The tunnels were a “safe place” for people to get rid of their waste, and they would just throw any and everything in. But the issue is, there was no drainage system, so there was the potential for it to overflow. That leads us to wonder what the disaster was like when the drains would overflow.


Water Bodies

Many cities were not built near rivers and lakes, so people were given the answers to their questions – why were tunnels built for waste removal? During the early 14th century, laws were made by the English Parliament that anyone who was caught dumping waste in the lakes and rivers would be charged high taxes.

Water Bodies

Water Bodies

But, by the time these laws were implemented, it was already a bit too late. The water bodies were already contaminated by human waste, and other debris people would just throw in. The spread in diseases like water-borne illnesses was a major cause for concern, so the bathrooms we have now are a blessing in disguise.