The Fruit Birth Control
There has been a lot of birth control options tried throughout history, and some have worked while others haven’t, and there are still more on the horizon. As history would have it, there are two fruits that many people believe aid in preventing pregnancies. One fruit is the juniper berry that doctors would recommend men and women rub on their private parts. These berries are also used to make gin.

The Fruit Birth Control
Another fruit was the skin of the pomegranate, which women would soak in water and then place it inside them. Well, it worked as it affected the implantation processes of the human body though they had to drink honey water afterward. Thank goodness they have so many effective and “sane” options today.
Lemon for a Contraceptive
Lemons have been in history from the Old Testament and used as a contraceptive method up to the 1700s. Women were only required to cut the lemons in half and put it on her private parts. Just imagine the extent of the burns they must have experienced as we know a little lemon juice can cause terrible pains on even small cuts.

Lemon For A Contraceptive
This practice was widespread because of a womanizer named Casanova, who believed women did this action to avoid getting pregnant by him. So, the lemon juice was seen as a cap for men and may have been the inspiration for many of the contraceptives of today.