Bathroom Wasn’t Needed
When you have the urge to use the bathroom, the only thing you want is just to go! Movies like “The Favourite” gave a romantic perspective of the royal court before the Elizabethan times came into existence. For many, it was about making sure you look your best with big dresses and makeup. But, like many of us, you must be asking how they went to the bathroom when wearing all those layers of clothes.

Bathroom Wasn Not Needed
Well, they did but with the aid of Bourdaloue. These were in existence in Georgian England, where women could easily go when they needed to but in a porcelain jug that was attached to their person. Bourdaloues were attached between a woman’s thighs but were not always worn but removed to be emptied when full.
Mouse for the Brows
The mouse has been used as a major part of hygiene practice in the early days as it was added to other materials to make toothpaste. Well, it was added to other areas of life for women – beauty. The obsession with eyebrows have been a thing of the long history, and as trends come and go, women of the richer class did their own as it relates to their eyebrows.

Mouse For The Brows
The women would remove their real eyebrows and replace them with fake ones. The popular look of the time was a pale face (snow white features) and thick dark eyebrows. So, mice have the hair that would make it real as it was short and seem natural. So, they would place the eyebrows high that would give a surprising look – similar to most women today.