This Hygiene Methods Of Old Are The Weirdest You’ll Ever See

Published on 02/11/2020

Plumbing – What’s That?

Plumbing has to be a major part of our lives to live comfortably in modern times. Cleaning can be done easily with the right products and leave your space fresh and clean. Human waste is flushed away with ease, unlike in the early days when it wasn’t done in such a healthy manner. During the early era, human waste and debris were thrown into large bodies of water like rivers and streams, and the ultimate reason why many people choose to live near those regions.

Plumbing What's That?

Plumbing What’s That?

The waste would wash away in the water and be discarded organically. Nowadays, sewage goes through multiple stages of processing before it is deposited into the sea, which is way better than it used to be. Also, the foul smell that would have been popular then is not evident now.


Another Teeth Cleaner

Before toothpaste came into existence, teeth cleaning was a major focus, and we know how the Elizabethan period thought tooth decay was an image of the rich because they could afford sugar. Meanwhile, others used herbs as a source to maintain fresh breath and good oral health, and the Romans used urine. In other cultures like Regent British, they thought a mixture of alum and gunpowder would do the trick.

Another Teeth Cleaner

Another Teeth Cleaner

But was it effective? Well, alum is a great choice for teeth whitening and helps with reducing the chances of gum disease, while gunpowder can burn quickly. So, maybe they thought about burning the germs off teeth quickly to make way for the alum to work. Gunpowder was developed in China years before and was used as the first chemical explosive.