This Hygiene Methods Of Old Are The Weirdest You’ll Ever See

Published on 02/11/2020

The Bed Bug Insecticide

During the 1940s (which was not too long ago), kerosene was used as a home remedy to get rid of bed bugs. For sure, it was the most popular choice of the day and would be effective for most people to get rid of the little critter. However, others noted the practice didn’t work and would only make matters worse. These days, the kerosene may not work out, and you would have to call in an exterminator to get the job done.

The Bed Bug Insecticide

The Bed Bug Insecticide

Fortunately, we are in luck! But such a practice, it only leads us to wonder what people in earlier days used as their method. Besides, they were putting themselves at risk as kerosene is highly flammable, so there must have been a few accidents then.


Tampons of the Early Days

Tampons have been in existence for thousands of years, and each culture had its twist to it. Of course, they didn’t have the flexibility most of these have today, but they still got the job done. For Egyptian women, they used papyrus, while Roman women used wool as the base material. But, they didn’t leave it at that!

Tampons Of The Early Days

Tampons Of The Early Days

Knowing how the Romans had some weird creativity skills, they decided to soak their tampons in things like opium to relieve the pain and belladonna for dilating the cervix. Tampons today are mostly made of rayon or cotton-rayon material, as well as some organic versions made from the inspiration of the early days by Dr. Earle Haas.