The Women of Two And A Half Men: Where Are They Now?

Published on 09/07/2020

Maggie Lawson as Ms. McMartin | Then

The effect of Sheen’s dismissal on the show speaks to some of the inherent insensitivities in its very premise. The loss of most of its fan base because one of the most revolting people in showbiz leaving says more than discussion ever can. Even the romantic escapades became less abrasive to watch. In this case, they had the bizarre idea of adopting a child and both became infatuated with the social worker handling the case, Ms. McMartin. She goes on to briefly date Alan before deciding she would rather date Walden. This would come off a lot worse than it sounds if it weren’t for the shows’ then more amicable and less aggressive take on its protagonists’ romantic demeanors.

Maggie Lawson As Ms McMartin Then

Maggie Lawson As Ms McMartin Then


Maggie Lawson as Ms. McMartin | Now

Lawson has had a successful acting career with roles in ‘Psych’, ‘Angel From Hell’ and ‘The Great Outdoors’. Her taste for acting was fostered in her formative years whilst participating in a local dinner theatre. Born in Kentucky, Lawson’s first break came in the form of an opportunity to be a host on a local children’s program. She made her way to Hollywood and continued to enjoy success after success. She is married to actor Ben Koldyke of ‘Mr. Robinson’ fame.

Maggie Lawson As Ms McMartin Now

Maggie Lawson As Ms McMartin Now