As Christopher carried on toward the source of the sounds, he soon began picking up the sound of people talking, too! Despite it being impossible to be sure what the conversations were about, Christopher was sure that whoever it was out there could hear him if he shouted. Despite being rather worried that it might have been some unsavory characters on the other side, he mustered his courage as he began yelling.

The Situation Becomes Weirder
By this stage of Christopher’s adventure, he was so deep into the tunnel that his feet were sinking into the sludgy earth. There were remains of mining technology, such as a trashed ventilation system, which had been set up many years ago and was virtually crumbling. There were also chains eerily hanging in that cramped space, all moldy and rusty. This was becoming more and more like a horror film, and less like some fantastical adventure!

The Situation Becomes Weirder