The Man Who Accidentally Discovered The Gold Mine Under His Feet

Published on 10/30/2020

Seeking Out The End

No matter how brightly his torch shone, or how hard he gazed into the seemingly infinite darkness, Christopher could not tell just where the shaft came to an end. Strangely, it would not take long for telltale reverberations from the opposite side of the tunnel to come to his attention. Was another person also questing through this dank mine alongside him? He excitedly made his way toward the echoing sounds.

Seeking Out The End

Seeking Out The End


Never Stop Exploring

Christopher was determined to keep making his way down the shaft. With flashlight in hand, he carefully trudged onward towards that inviting sound which steadily swelled as he got closer. He had now made it far enough to identify the din of machinery and the clanking of metal seemingly miles into that swallowing tunnel. What could anyone possibly be doing in this seemingly long-abandoned place? Christopher was going to find out.

Never Stop Exploring

Never Stop Exploring