The Man Who Accidentally Discovered The Gold Mine Under His Feet

Published on 10/30/2020

Immediate Threat

Christopher managed to snap out of his trance just before the ferocious body of water, which was about to sweep right through him. There was no way that he could withstand such a flooding force, and he would undoubtedly be carried away by the unexplainable rush. There was no time to think, this was time for action, and if Christopher stopped to consider his options he would be pulled under the filthy deluge.

Immediate Threat

Immediate Threat


Running For His Life, Again

By this stage, Christopher was no stranger to running for his life, and he turned back the way he came in a somewhat hurried manner. The water was lapping at his heels as his legs pumped away desperately. Christopher could not make any sense of the situation, how a sudden and seemingly impossible blast of water had erupted out of nowhere, flowing upwards toward the exit. It was like this spontaneous flood was chasing him.

Running For His Life Again

Running For His Life Again