Uncovering Enigmas
Christopher had stumbled across mounds of wrecked objects which seemed to have no purpose that he could understand. It appeared that the miners had thrown away some equipment in a hurry. The already cramped tunnel steadily started feeling even tighter with all the added debris, and Christopher started feeling properly claustrophobic. This was not any ordinary kind of mine, something disturbing had happened, and Christopher was going to bust the case open.

Uncovering Enigmas
Down In The Dumps
Even more disturbingly, Christopher found evidence of some kind of living standard all the way down in that pit. Remains of beds and other smashed objects used to survive in the most inhospitable of spaces were scattered all about. What kind of person could face such horrible discomfort and living conditions? If someone could endure life in this underworld, then there was certainly something here worth the misery and darkness.

Down In The Dumps