The Man Who Accidentally Discovered The Gold Mine Under His Feet

Published on 10/30/2020

Madness Unfolds

Christopher was profoundly disturbed by this creepy door, and even more afraid of what may be waiting for him on the other side. He regarded it for some time, finally deciding that after coming this far there was no turning back. There would probably just be another tunnel for him to explore, and so he reached for the handle and slowly turned it, his heart wildly pumping in his chest.

Madness Unfolds

Madness Unfolds



Christopher slowly pulled the stiff door open and was immediately slapped by a chilly gust of air. While the mine had been cold up until this point, this new depth was so far removed from the sun that it felt like a true underworld. Mines are generally stiflingly hot, however, and this subterranean climate was odd. Regardless, Christopher walked into another identical tunnel as expected, trudging through it to the point where another startling discovery jumped at him.

