The Man Who Accidentally Discovered The Gold Mine Under His Feet

Published on 10/30/2020

Thieves’ Den

While beds and other domestic items could be explained as relatively harmless, there was one thing which Christopher could not pass off as innocent. Among all the rubble was a brick enclosure which had most likely served as a hidey-hole. He bent down to get a better look into the small cave, reaching in to probe around. He could never have expected to bump into something that would send terror coursing through his body.

Thieves Den

Thieves Den


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This ungodly hovel contained all kinds of unmentionable remains, but what took Christopher’s attention were white markings on the walls. Despite the “writing” being unintelligible, with Christopher doing his best to make sense of the wild scratching, he identified four vertical lines. It seemed like Christopher’s curiosity was only being further fueled by these horrifying sights, where most people would turn around and run. There were more and more questions with no answers.

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