Doomsday Vault, Norway
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, also called the “Doomsday” Vault, is the scientific community’s way of preparing for the end of the world. The vault, which can be found in Norway, has been constructed with the intention of storing millions of seeds in the event that the human race would one day need the restoration of any flora. The safe deposit box is prepared for almost any sort of catastrophe since it is hidden away in the mountains well above sea level, it is resistant to earthquakes and explosions, and it is constructed to survive for around two centuries. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that only people with the right clearance can get into the vault.

Doomsday Vault Norway
Surtsey Island, Iceland
Surtsey Island in Iceland is one of the youngest islands in the world since it was created by a volcanic eruption that occurred between 1963 and 1967 and lasted for three years. At this time, it is solely used for the sake of scientific study with the intention of monitoring how ecosystems grow in the absence of human intervention.

Surtsey Island Iceland