The Top Fifty Female Cosplay Artists Today

Published on 05/25/2020

#18 Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

This lady looks even better than Brie Larsen did in the Captain Marvel movie. She goes by the moniker OMgCosplay on Instagram. She looks even better as the Amazing Spider-Man which you can see on her IG account. If you would like to support her in her efforts to create the perfect cosplay character, have a look at her Patreon account to see how you can help. Hailing from Dallas, Texas, she is one of the more experienced cosplayers.


#17 Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter

The cosplayer in this picture is Jupiter Sailor and you can see more of her @gilly_kins. Her deviant Art moniker is gillykins and she has a huge range of cosplay outfits that she has designed and created. You will also be pleased to know that she posts personal details about her daily life on IG that gives us a peek into her private life, not just her cosplay adventures.