The Top Fifty Female Cosplay Artists Today

Published on 05/25/2020

#16 Punisher



Known worldwide, Hanna Ray is a shrewd businesswoman as well as a sublime cosplayer. She looks sweet in her Punisher outfit, with her doe eyes but she has found a way to turn her cosplay fun into a business. She has her own online shop where you can buy a signed copy of photos of her in her various outfits. See more of her talents @HannahRayNinja. Her various accounts also get you to access to other delights. The cosplay trade is in awe of this top-notch player and business icon.


#15 Spiderwoman



This alluring Spanish beauty has her own YouTube channel where she not only showcases her own cosplay accomplishments but also offers tutorials and tips for newbie cosplayers. As you can see from her depiction of Spiderwoman, she is very good at what she does. As you go through her Instagram account @barraza_lakette, you will notice many other unique outfits that she wears in her daily life as an architect. The 2 accounts are linked so go and have a look.