The Top Fifty Female Cosplay Artists Today

Published on 05/25/2020

#20 Deadpool



Unlike the majority of cosplayers, Sutefanii Roozu is a full-time cosplayer. She can do this as she has several backers who give her their patronage. As a result, she is very active as a cosplay model and a look at her website shows us just how large her portfolio is. It is a huge achievement to be a cosplayer full time and Sutefanii is a role model to many cosplayers. Her costumes are faultless and this one with its skin-tight fit is a sure winner. The picture was taken by Fractured photography. This very attractive lady can be seen in many other roles on her Instagram @sutefaniiroozu.


#19 Captain America

Captain America

Captain America

Captain America looking less masculine than usual. In fact, you may think you are looking at an advocate for a football team. The good news is that the costume is not that difficult to emulate. The basis of the outfit is a full body stocking to which you add the shorts and boots to perfect the look. You have the choice of a partial or full suit. The fastenings in the front are very nationalistic, aren’t they?