The Climax
It’s hard to imagine that Siobhan wasn’t shaking with excitement in her lab coat at the thought of the SD card working when she plugged it into the computer. She wondered if she held the key to discovering the secrets behind what can only be referred to as a long-unsolved mystery.
After giving the card a good clean with rubbing alcohol and an earbud. She slotted it into her computer, which was equipped to read SD cards through a built-in port, and as luck would have it, the popup on the computer suggested that it wasn’t corrupt and the files could be downloaded.

The Climax
A Sea of Memories
Siobhan marveled in the fact that the 8GB SD card was still in working order, and after downloading the contents she realized that plenty of pictures and videos had survived. Perhaps these would be the key to returning the camera (and the content) to its rightful owner, who might have been lamenting the day they lost the device.
Naturally apprehensive about scrolling through the personal content of someone else, Siobhan felt like it was the only way to get to the bottom of the mystery, and the only way to get a chance to return the card and camera to its rightful owner. Going through the pictures, she realized that the pictures contained many of the same people at various social functions, dating back to July of 2012.

A Sea Of Memories