The Surprising Ecosystem
There was an entire mini-ecosystem living inside and outside of the old camera. While obviously visible when taking a look with the naked eye, upon further inspection under a microscope an entire world of species were revealed. This is any professor’s dream!
Inside of the camera, Siobhan found more algae, a set of brittle stars, and a sea cucumber. Brittle stars are similar to sea stars, just a lot smaller, so ironically, she had some intel to report back that was related to the actual purpose of the expedition that day after all. Would this be the last thing she would discover? Not quite, as another surprise was right around the corner.

The Surprising Ecosystem
The SD Card
It’s easy to assume that a camera that had spent that long underwater would be useless in a sense, but this time around that certainly wasn’t the case. Aside from the microscopic and other discoveries inside and outside of the camera, it had one more trick up its sleeve. The SD (memory) card was still inside the device, and when Siobhan removed it from the camera, it looked to be in a decent condition after all.
Although covered in black algae, there was hope that they might be able to recover some of the data when plugging it into the computer. Perhaps some of the shots had survived, and would give some more insight around where the camera came from, how it got lost, and perhaps even who was looking for it. A shot in the dark, but worth a try for sure.

The SD Card