Unsure of the Owner
While she was ecstatic at having access to all the pictures, it was hard for Siobhan to distinctively see who the camera itself had belonged to. The owner had of course not been visible, having taken all the pictures themselves. She hoped there would be a bit more clues, but the search had led her to a bit of a dead-end as a result of this.
It was easy to see that the pictures were probably very dear to someone, as a lot of the pictures looked like family portraits. While unsure of how to go about things from here, Siobhan wasn’t one of those people who gave up easily. In turn, she was about to unlock a clue that would make the mystery even easier to solve.

Unsure Of The Owner
Taking To Social Media
Social media might have a lot of drawbacks in terms of productivity and mental health, but when you’re trying to track someone (or something) down, it is one of the most effective tools to get the message out there. After speaking with Isabelle about it, Siobhan decided that the best course of action would be to share some of the photographs online, with hopes that someone would have some clues for them.
Under the #detectives hashtag, the pair started their search and explained exactly how they had come across the images. In a few hours, they had a ton of interaction, shares, and comments. Despite all of this, feedback about the possible owners (or people in the pictures) was limited, and a few days after, the pair of professors had to change their strategy.

Taking To Social Media