Bar Soap
Let’s use a single bar to clean our entire body repeatedly, not considering that the bar picks up all our filth and is a safety hazard when dropped and slipped on in the shower. Liquid soap is a good alternative and has more coverage and washes away with the water. It’s quite ironic that the Baby Boomers insist on bar soap when they are at the most risk of hurting themselves with it, but we’re the snowflake and you lost a war with soap.

Bar Soap
Unless you’re talking about the singer, we have no time for a meatloaf. Ground meat and other ingredients shaped into a loaf shape and smoked sounds like a tedious process and it taste interesting, to say the least. It’s much easier to just cook the mince and other ingredients and eat that than to make it into a loaf. There is no amount of ketchup in the world to make meatloaf a reasonable and tasty dish, so let’s just stop.
