A Very Short Span Of Education
As we discussed the education scene of the Amish community through the above pictures, it was established that the students receive education and learn at least the mentioned three languages. There is one other interesting fact that you must know, and that’s though these kids receive private education just like any kid from any society/community, they only do the schooling up to just 8th grade. After this, they are sent to work by getting trained for any specific work field.

A Very Short Span Of Education
Voting Rights
No matter where they are or where they reside, if the people from the Amish community have US residency, they are eligible to vote. However, they are not seen experiencing this right quite often. There are various studies where the researchers found out that merely 15% of the Amish voters cast their vote. It is seen to be quite amazing to even see this number turn up to vote, in regard to the less popular that they have.

Voting Rights