The most fundamental rule of this religion is forgiveness. They are said to emphasize peace and completely abstain from any sort of violence. In support of this saying in their holy text, they don’t go to army selection and are also avid opposers of the death penalty. These are some of the learnings that others should take away from this community. The primary focus of the Amish community is to emphasize keeping everyone and everything at peace.

Some Toys You Won’t See Elsewhere.
You must have seen many children playing with dolls when they are young. The children in the Amish community are given to play with dolls that have no face. Such an act aims to allow children to explore their creativity and don’t end up having narcissistic or egoistic behavior. The dolls that are given to them to play with have both male and female depictions, e.g., beard without facial features, long hair plaits, etc.

Some Toys You Wont See Elsewhere